Friday, March 22, 2013

Blackberry 10, just the right time or just too late?

For anyone that knows me, knows I loved my Blackberry. I had it right after i got rid my Sidekick (I cant remember which one it was and I hope you know what a Sidekick is...).  I was heartbroken when my first one was stolen. I had a temporary Samsung phone. Then, thanks to wonderful insurance, I got my BB back. Then for the past two years we began a love/hate relationship. All my friends were switching to the IPhone or Android Family bragging about what their phone could do, while I stayed loyal to Blackberry. I mean what other phone company has BBM? I could talk to my cousins and friends overseas, it was like a secret private club. I loved the fact Blackberry had a real keyboard as well.  The things that hurt me the most with Blackberry were the apps and games. Blackberry was not able to get the apps people were enjoying for those who had an Android or Iphone. That drove many people including myself away the brand. I have an Android now and I love it. Soon, the Blackberry 10 will be shipped in stores. I could go into a long essay on the specifications on the phone or whats so good about it, but I will save you the reading and the great joy of googling the phone for yourself. My question is for those remaining Blackberry survivors, Android and Iphone defectors, Is the new Blackberry 10 worth getting? From what I seen, it is a pretty nice phone. Can Blackberry come back into the market and dominate? Opinions?


Thanks for reading my post all week long, We will be back Monday March 25th, 2013. See you then!!1

1 comment:

  1. I don't know too much about the phone from a technical perspective. I have not bothered to really look into it because I plan to switch carriers next year anyway.

    From a business stand point, I feel like BB will make a triumphant return to the mobile industry. Just in the fourth fiscal quarter alone, the company has had more success than they've seen in years with the release of the Z10. And this does not include U.S. figures since the phone was just released last week.

    My suggestion: Since you enjoy the keyboard, wait until April or so. Blackberry will be releasing the Q10, which will have a smaller price tag and features the BB keyboard you love.
